Article marketing tips, the best kept secrets for getting traffic, leads, sales, and new sign ups. A solid marketing plan for network marketing, MLM, or any and all online businesses.
Finding The Right Keywords
One of the most important article marketing tips to remember is the importance of using the right keywords. You must select keywords that are relevant, high traffic keywords, low in competition, and have high commercial value. The best way to accomplish all of these parameters is the use of keyword research tools, either free versions, or paid versions. Free/paid versions of research tools can be found on the Internet by doing a simple search for keyword research tools.
With keyword research you want to get highly targeted traffic, people that are ready to buy, and are searching for the content in your article. You want to choose keywords that also have a fair amount of traffic (no fewer than 100 searches per day) and are not so highly competitive that you can’t compete. The goal is to beat out the competition and get your article on the front page of Google. The front page of Google is the Holy Grail for keyword research.
Finding out whether or not your key word has high commercial value can be as simple as doing a Google search for your keyword and noticing whether or not there are paid ads on the right of the page. The more paid ads on the right of the page the higher commercial value of your keyword. The more paid ads the better.
On Page And Off Page Optimization
Other great article marketing tips. On page optimization is essential to ensure that the search engines can access your article and determine its relevant content. To accomplish this using your keyword in the title of your article is a must, also the first and last paragraph of your article, and several times in between the first and last paragraph in the body copy. Also the keyword should be underlined, italicized, bolded, and put in quotes at least once throughout the length of the article.
Off page optimization can be greatly enhanced by submitting your article to high authority web sites for page rank and getting back links to you article. Some high authority websites are, EzineArticles PR 6, Squidoo PR 8. etc., Submitting to these sites gives you page rank over other article marketers using the same keywords.
For back links to your article, the more sites you submit to, such as blogs, forums, and article directories, the more back links you will get. One of the most important “article marketing tips” is, all other things being equal, he who gets the most back links wins the article marketing game.
Article Marketing Tools
Tools are a must if you don’t want to spend most of your waking hours finding the best keywords, submitting articles, and getting back links, the more tools you have the less work you do to get these back links. You can find quite a few free tools on the net with a simple Google search for the tool that will perform the function which you are trying to achieve. If you have a small budget you can also purchase tools to automate the repetitive work of back linking. I would suggest using the free tools before buying anything. as you need to have the knowledge of what you are looking for in a tool before you lay out your hard earned money. Tools can help you automate most of the repetitive work, and free you up to do the more important work of creating informative, helpful articles that draw people to your site or business.
Be Consistent
One of the last “article marketing tips” is; stay consistent. Don’t be disappointed if you don’t see results immediately, expect to have a lag of 2 to 3 weeks before you see results after posting your article. Write and post articles daily, if possible, or at least several times per week. The fruit of your work will multiply over time, and once you are out on the search engines there is a cumulative effect to the amount of leads you will receive. The secret to article marketing is longevity, articles exist in perpetuity, and the great thing is, unlike paid advertising, the cost of these leads is next to nil.